faegardens333 Lopster Button melokaji
my website button



previous updates

last update: 06/05/97

06/05/97 — re did the diary page

28/04/97 — new theme

17/04/97 — hello?

stay safe out there on the web !! (and in real life too !!)


a corner for me to talk about stupid shit, or like... a digital grave or something. a collection of my thoughts.
follow me (if you want)

this site is still a WIP so some page's won't work yet. as of today (Thursday 18th April, 1987) i just learnt that "iframes" in reference to html means: inline frames— and not invisible frames. "est" means: established— and not esitimated.

check out my links above if you'd like!

i see all

coding is hard blinkie i heart dumb men blinkie cringe culture is dead blinkie anime blinkie pink addict blinkie angel lover blinkie miku fan blinkie yandere darling blinkie have a nice day blinkie powered by autism blinkie creative blinkie thank you blinkie

to do list

  • blog page
  • game log would be cool
  • eat
  • eat
  • eat
  • eat him
  • eat
  • eat
  • eat

17 / 04 / 1997